Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesady Night Bible Study 8-13-08

Hello everyone!

This is just a little info on tonight's bible study lesson. As you know, i am still teaching the series on "The Seven deadly sins". If I remember correctly, I have only covered four of them (pride, covetousness, gluttony, and sloth) If this is not correct, somebody please let me know. (smile)

Tonight I plan to talk about ENVY. As you know, this deadly sin is often refered to as "the green-eyed monster". Of course, we don't have any people in OUR congregation who really need to hear this lesson, because certainly MY DEAR MEMBERS don't practice envy. But since it IS a part of the series, and since I DO need some practice teaching, I will teach it anyway. So just suffer through it with me! (sarcasm intended, LOL)

I hope to see each of you TONIGHT as we study God's word together- 6:30 PM

See you then,



Anonymous said...

Hello all

TA said...

The series on "The Seven Deadly Sins" has been an eye opener. From the lectures & discussions, I've learned that [when you really think about it] at least one of the seven can be found at the source of sinful activity. Thanks and may God continue to use you for The Kingdom. BTW, the blog was a great idea!

T. Anderson